Becareful About Flashing & Repairing OS Software.
Do not disconnect the Mobile from the computer during software installation.
The battery of the device should be 50% charged. Use of original cable.
Confirm that the file you are installing is compatible with your device model.
All of your data will be deleted during software installation or in case of
software update.
Required to Flash Os Software Of MTK Phone:
- Computer
- USB Cable
- MTK USB Derivers
- SP Flash Tool
- MTK Phone Firmware Scatter Firmware
This is an MTK CPU mobile. So we will install its firmware with SP Flash Tool. We Need . An original USB cable. Computer Or Laptop . Mobile Stock Firmware . MTK USB Derivers SP Flash Tool Mobile battery must be 50% charged First, download all the files. Take the mobile stockroom and flash tool out of winrar and put it in a folder Open the Sp Flash tool folder. There will be an exe file named Flash.tool. Double click on it and open it. Now a tool is open in front of you. Above the tool there will be a button that says Download Agent or DA Loud. Click on it and load the Da file here. You will find the DA file required for older MTK mobiles in the SP Flash Tool. And the newest mobiles have a special DA file that you have to download separately which is 3 to 5 mb. After loading the Da file, there will be another button on it called scatter louding Click on Scatter Louding and load the firmware text file from the mobile stockroom folder here. Now click on the green download button above. After clicking, remove the battery of the mobile and put the battery in the mobile again or turn off the mobile completely and connect the mobile to the computer using USB Cable . When you connect the mobile, the port of MTK will appear in the device manager of the computer and a red ♥️ line will run on the Sp flash tool, then the purple yellow line will run The Yellow Line will last for 7 to 8 minutes. Do not allow the mobile to be disconnected from the computer during stock room installation. When the installation on the tool shows the sign of completion, disconnect the mobile from the computer and turn on the mobile. The first time the mobile is turned on, the company logo will hang for 5 to 6 minutes