iPhone 14 series Satellite emergency SOC feature saved the life of a person trapped in snow

Satellite emergency SOC feature to be introduced in iPhone 14 series in New York saved the life of a person trapped in snow. new method file rom

Satellite emergency SOC feature to be introduced in iPhone 14 series in New York saved the life of a person trapped in snow.

According to media reports, Alaska State Troopers received a message from a person at 2:00 p.m. on December 2. 
Who was stuck in the snow on his way to a place.  The man's snow machine broke down on the way.  While he did not get any kind of signal there. 
This person's iPhone 14 also had a feature of satellite conductivity.  Using which this person sent a notification for Saviour's Civil SOS.  

Apple's Emergency Response Center worked with local authorities to facilitate access to the man.  According to the authorities, if this person's mobile did not have this feature.  So he wandered in this area for a long time.  

According to the Apple company, this SOS feature will be available for free for two years.  After which the fee will be charged, but how much will be the fee is yet to be known.  This feature is currently available in Canada and the US.  The company has not yet said in which other countries besides Canada and the US it will be available.

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